Page 9 - Lake Roosevelt Forum 2020 Public Guide
P. 9

Public Beach Exposure
33 public beaches were sampled between 2005 and 2015. The draft Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) found Bossburg Flats beach was the only one that exceeded human health criteria for recreation due to elevated levels of lead. Exposure to other metals tested did not exceed EPA cancer or non-cancer human health benchmarks.
Located about 15 miles north of Kettle Falls, the National Park Service (NPS) closed access
to Bossburg Flats in 2012 as a precautionary measure. The beach remains closed as EPA and NPS will consider cleanup alternatives as part of the next phase of the RI/FS investigation.
Black Sand Beach Upper Columbia RV Park
Northport Beach Flat Creek Dalles Orchard
    Public Beach Sediment Sampling
Crescent Bay
Swawilla Basin
Spring Jones Canyon Bay
Mitchell Point
Enterprise Naborlee
Seven Bays
Hawk Creek
Whitestone Campground
Barnaby Island
Swimming Hole Beach
China Bend
Bossburg Flats Evans Campground
Summer Island Welty Bay
 Kamloops Island
Lyons Island
Bradbury Campground
AA Campground
Nez Perce
Wilmont Creek Hunters
Colville River Kettle Falls Marina Colville Flats
  Bossburg Flats, which is closed to the public, is the only beach sampled that exceeded human health criteria for recreation, and that was due to elevated levels of lead.
 Public Beach Cleanup Actions
Black Sand Beach: In 2010, TAI entered into a voluntary agreement with Ecology to remove about 9,100 tons (6,300 cubic yards) of sediments containing granulated slag from Black Sand Beach. Mostly used by residents in the nearby area, the beach is located near Northport and about three miles south of the U.S.-Canada border.
Northport City Park Waterfront: Ecology is completing in 2020 a Focused Feasibility Study (FFS) to evaluate cleanup options for 800 feet of metals contaminated waterfront in Northport Park. This area was principally polluted by the nearby Le Roi Smelter wastes that were deposited and dispersed along the shoreline between 1896 and 1921. Ecology previously completed soil sampling and other testing of this area.
Black Sand Beach during removal
Waterfront Investigation Area
City Park
Former Le Roi Smelter Site

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